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لوگوی دانشگاه ایران آکادمیا
Action & Impact: Strategies for Community Improvement
Do you want to improve your community? Do you know how?  This course will focus on strategies to identify and implement constructive solutions to community problems. These solutions often require government resources, such as in the form of budget allocation and effective expenditures. To ensure this happens, citizens can organize to advance their priorities.
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Iran Academia University Press
Anfal and Islamic Economics
In this chapter, those elements of Islamic economics that enhance a confiscatory regime and are compatible with destructive coordination are explored. The choice of Islam in this study is closely related to the emergence of a critical social order in all regions affected by the rise of political Islam since the Iranian Revolution of 1979. It will be shown that Anfal in the Shi’i Islam justifies a confiscatory regime by dispossessing people from all ‘ownerless’ public properties (res nullius) and transferring them to the restrictive property of the Imam. The investigation starts by exploring the place of Anfal in Koran, the Prophet’s practice and contending interpretations of the Shi’i and Sunni theologians regarding its significance in the Islamic public finance.…
Interpreting the Experience of Oppression: Sexual Harassment in Iran’s universities
In the research that led to this book, the "female student" has spoken out about one of the most significant afflictions of her life and asserted her voice. "Sexual harassment," in its various forms in Iran and at universities, can exemplify the historical depravity of the Iranian patriarch/man. The Iranian "university professor" has also, to some extent, reproduced this depravity in academic relationships in various forms, with sexual harassment being just one manifestation. This reality draws attention to whether the role of the Iranian university in social and political relations should be expected only from students, particularly female students, and whether we should entirely lose hope in the "Iranian professor." Answering this question, however, requires another opportunity and further investigation.
Problems of Psychology in the Works of Karl Marx
In the philosophy of Karl Marx, psychology, akin to political economy, is not a field that has been systematically elaborated. Among Marx's collected works, there is no dedicated treatise on psychology. However, several of his writings contain dispersed insights on various psychological topics. While these remarks are not systematically organized at first glance, they still exhibit a coherent internal unity. As these segments further develop their content, they begin to coalesce into a unified whole, permeating throughout Marx's entire worldview.
Iran’s Cultural Revolution: Four Decades of Confrontation Between the Theocracy and the University
From the series of conferences hosted by the Azadi Andisheh Association in collaboration with the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Köln, Germany, and the Melanchthon Akademie. Live broadcasting made possible by the Iran Academia media network Guests: Azam Khatam, Saeed Paivandi, Mansoureh Shojaee, and Ali Porsan Live broadcast on the Iran Academia social media networks This event is in person and available online Date: Friday, 26 April 2024 Entrance: 4:30 pm; event begins at 5:00 pm Venue: Kartäusergasse 9 50678 Köln, Germany
International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies
Click to register to attend the ICCI 2024 in Frankfurt
Sponsor the International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies – 2024
Support and guarantee the successful, high-quality, and effective holding of the Third International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies (ICCI 2024). This conference is organized by Iran Academia University and with voluntary efforts to be a conference for thinkers, veteran and young researchers, and to address Iran's difficult issues. Click here to read more about ways to show your support. Share your questions and ideas with us. Share this post with those you know.
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