خواندنی‌ها شهزاده سمرقندی و منصوره شجاعی - زمین مادران
خواندنی‌ها شهزاده سمرقندی و منصوره شجاعی - زمین مادران
Historical Analysis of Iran’s Foreign Policy and Its Main Approaches During the 14th Century(sh)

Historical Analysis of Iran’s Foreign Policy and Its Main Approaches During the 14th Century(sh)

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ICCI 2022
ICCI 2022 Archive
Counted: 63
Counted: 151


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The emphasis of this work [Jalil Roshandel] is Iran’s foreign policy during the preceding century. From the foreign policy of the first and second Pahlavi governments to that of the Islamic Republic, this century has followed numerous patterns, which can be characterized as beginning with the foreign policy of the Pahlavi administrations and ending with the Islamic Republic.

This article provides a historical overview of the development of Iran’s foreign policy during the past century, focusing on its primary methods. In this analysis, the characteristics of Iran’s four major foreign policy models will be examined in the sequence in which they emerged: 1- Iran’s foreign policy during the reign of Reza Shah 2- Dr. Mohammad Mossadegh’s government and the negative balance strategy 3- Mohammad Reza Shah and the policy of strategic alliance with the West, without hostility towards the Soviet Union. 4- The Islamic Republic’s era, with its professed policy of neither the East nor the West and its actual policy of turning to the East (Russia and China). In addition to the strategies and tactics used to implement Iran’s foreign policy during the past century, we will examine the similarities and variations between these policies within the time constraints of the conference.


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