Action & Impact: Strategies for Community Improvement
Gender and Budgeting
Transitional Justice
خواندنی‌ها شماره ۲ آتفه چهارمحالیان و منصوره شجاعی لاهه


Coordinator: Layla Asadi
AcademiX Courses
Action & Impact: Strategies for Community Improvement
تصویر کلاس بودجه و جنسیت
Coordinator: Layla Asadi
AcademiX Courses
Gender and Budgeting
دوره همگانی عدالت انتقالی
Course Designer and Instructor: Bahar Saba
Transitional Justice
Leyla Asadi & Farangis Bayat
Advocacy and Social Organization
Course Designer and Instructor: Leila Asadi
AcademiX Courses
Displacement and Forced Migration: My Rights or the State's Sovereignty
Course Designer and Instructor: Mehdi Mohseni
AcademiX Courses
Cyber Security A-Z - Advanced Course
Course designer and instructor: Mehdi Mohseni
AcademiX Courses
Cyber Security A-Z - Intermediate Course
Coordinator and Course Designer: Bahar Saba
AcademiX Courses
Right To Information
Course Designer and Instructor: Mehdi Mohseni
AcademiX Courses
Cyber Security A-Z
Course Designer and Instructor: Hamed Farmand
Protecting the Rights of Children in Iran
Coordinator and Instructor: Layla Asadi
Making the Money Work
Course Designer and Instructor: Bahar Saba
Human Rights; Beyond the Headlines
Instructor: Mohammad Reza Moeini
Economics in Today's World
Course Designer and Instructor: Zeynab Peyghambarzadeh
Feminism, Genger, and Sexuality


Course designer and instructor: Mehdi Mohseni
AcademiX Program
Cyber Security from A to Z

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Graduate School Courses
Study Program Courses
Counted: 14
Iran Academia University Press
Counted: 19