Course Schedule
Week One: Basics of national wealth
- Capitalism as a social formation
- What is political economy?
- What does economic growth mean?
- The secret of technology and its effect on social and economic relations
- Why are institutions important?
- Growth and population
Week Two:Eonomy, conflict of interest and the power of cooperation
- Conflict of interest
- Property rights
- Accumulation
- Organizations and their importancw
- Power structure
- The role of foundations in Iran’s economy
Week Three: Labor and employment policy
- The role of companies in a healthy economy
- Owners and directors
- Workers, the real producers of wealth
- Who gets what share and why?
- Profit and loss: the guiding light of the economy
- Unemployment: the only thing worse than exploitation
Week Four: The role of the government, public policy and rent seeking
- Where can I apply for a loan?
- Money means credit, credit means money
- Set the price – pocket the rent
- What is efficiency?
- What is the role of the government?
- What is the relationship between the government and the market?
Week Five: Why are women absent in economic decisions?
- Why is the GDP index not perfect?
- Domestic work: The forgotten economic data
- Isn’t domestic work an example of exploitation?
- Gender and discrimination in receiving wages
- Benefits of equal pay for women
- Women’s entrepreneurship in Iran
Week Six: Economy and civil society
- Civil society and its relationship with the economy
- The mutual relationship between a healthy economy and a strong civil society
- The role of economic freedoms in the growth and fertility of civil society
- The role of economic empowerment
- Empowering people should be seen as an opportunity
- Theories will not go anywhere if social activities are not carried out in line with those theories