Course Schedule
Week One: An introduction to accountability and budget basics
- What is a budget? What does responsibility mean? And what is the relationship between these two?
- Why is it important for citizens to monitor the budget?
- What does local government mean and what are its responsibilities and powers?
Week Two: Budget cycle in Iran
- Budget cycle
- Formulating the budget
- Approving the budget
- Implementing the budget
- Monitoring the budget
- Access to information
- Sources of income
Week Three: Preparation for a successful budget monitoring process
- Evaluation and analysis of legal conditions and political environment
- Defining the benefits of group gatherings
- Organizational capacity and schedule
- Laying groundwork for government support
- Building and sustaining local community support
Week Four: Influencing the process of change
- Budget cycles and its monitoring
- Information campaigns
- Successful monitoring of the budgeting process
- Promoting the budget
- Attracting stakeholders’ participation in budget monitoring
- Conflict management
Week Five: Evidence-based data collection, analysis and presentation
- Why is data important in accountability?
- How to get the required data?
- How to make data usable?
- How to understand and analyze data?
- How to work with data responsibly?
- How to provide data to others?
- How to decide and act based on data?
Week Six: Promotion to help the community of those with whom we have common interests
- Determining community needs and providing solutions
- Preparation of promotion strategy
- Preparing and sending messages
- Networking, network and coalition
- Strategy implementation or consensus building?
- Final remarks