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Ali A Kiafar is a US-based architect, city planner, researcher, and academician of Iranian origin. Starting in 1980 he has taught first at the University of Southern California and then University of California – Riverside.
In his professional endeavors he has held high positions in the California public education system, and also has served as vice president of an international, 72,000 employee, planning, architecture and construction firm.
Included in his research and publication work are a 7-volume book on the Transformations of Society, Culture, Identity, Cities, City Planning and Architecture in Iran during the Times of Modernity.
The first volume of this series has been published under the title Atashghahi dar Khaab e Aatashha (in English: Society, City Planning and Urban Design in Modern Iran – Volume One), two more volumes are in publication, and the remaining volumes in various stages of completion.
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