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First chapter of the book "Destructive Coordination, Anfal, and Islamic Political Capitalism: A New Reading of Contemporary Iran"

By: Mehrdad Vahabi

Translated by: Yeprem Khan Hairig

First chapter of the book “Destructive Coordination, Anfal, and Islamic Political Capitalism: A New Reading of Contemporary Iran”

Iran Academia University Press

First Edition: 2024

Book, 28 pages

Iran Academia News Archive
Counted: 44
IAUP's Book Archive
Counted: 31


The first chapter and introduction of the book

“Destructive Coordination, Anfal and Islamic Political Capitalism: A New Reading of Contemporary Iran”

This book provides an original and completely new reading of the political economy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, and should be considered as the first steps for a detailed investigation of the presented topics. This book is a single-scientific study in the field of economics that follows a multi-disciplinary approach.

Its theme lies in the borders between economics, political science, Islamic studies, law and history. In addition, the findings about “Anfal” are based on an extensive review of the first-class sources of Shia and Sunni jurisprudence in Persian and Arabic languages, and are based on research on the description of the constitutional negotiations and other legal and legal texts of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

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