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Hadi Miri Ashtiani

Hadi Miri Ashtiani


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Iran Academia Journal (IAJ)
Iran Academia Journal - Issue 10
تصویر مقاله خواست دیرپای اقتدارگرایی
Iran Academia Journal, No. 10 - Hadi Miri Ashtiani
IAJ Issue No.10
The Enduring Appeal of Authoritarianism in Iran: Mohammad Ghoochani's Quest for an Absolute State, Iranshahri and Neo-Safavid
Hadi Miri Ashtiani
FTJ Issue No. 12
Intermediary Intellectuals, Civil Society, Democratization, Women, and Labor Movements in Iran Over the Past Twenty Years
Spring 2022
Freedom of Thought Journal
Freedom of Thought Journal 12
Conference Paper - Hadi Miri Ashtiani
IAJ Issue No.9
Middle Class Collapse And The Emerging Of New Urban Poor (Case Study: Tehran) [Conf. Paper]
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Iran Academia Journal (IAJ)
Iran Academia Journal Issue No.9 - ICCI conference special
Hadi Miri Ashtiani
Cesare Beccaria's Perspective on the Death Penalty and Torture
سخنرانی هادی میری آشتیانی
ICCI 2022
Middle Class Collapse and Emerging Urban Poor (Case study: Tehran)
Hall 2- Persian
Subaltern Studies Panel
ICCI 2022
Iran And the Turn of The SH Century (in Persian)
دریافت داده بیشتر

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