فراخوان دیدبان آزار - چهارمین همایش
فراخوان دیدبان آزار - چهارمین همایش
Kheyzaran Esmaeilzadeh

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Kheyzaran Esmaeilzadeh

PhD in Iranian Modern Art

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Independent researcher of modern visual arts. Her research interest are in 20th century art from Iran, visual arts and its relationship with context, especially its relationship with political and social concepts and currents.
Her research is interdisciplinary and most closely related to cultural studies, social theories, and critical thinking.

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Speech of Kheyzaran Esmaeilzadeh
ICCI 2022
"National Art" in The visual Arts of Modern Iran and its Transformations
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Kheyzaran Esmaeilzadeh
ICCI 2022
Iran And the Turn of The SH Century (in Persian)
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