Vafa Mehraeen

Researcher and scholar of Philosophy

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Vafa Mehraeen

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پوستر پوپولیسم - سمینار
Diverse Horizons Series
The Concept of Populism and Its Importance
پوستر سخنرانی سانسور، ابزار آموزشی محافظه‌کاران با تصویری از وفا مهرآیین
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"Censorship; Educational Tool of Conservatives"
Speech of Vafa Mehraein
ICCI 2022
Defining the Criteria for Recognition of Sexism in Textbooks
Hall 2- Persian
Educational System and Textbooks Panel
ICCI 2022
Iran And the Turn of The SH Century (in Persian)
George LakoffTranslation: Vafa Mehraeen
Don't Think of an Elephant
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