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M. Nikfar System Theory Lectures
System Theory Lectures - M. R. Nikfar
Counted: 10

M. Nikfar Lectures


Lectures on “Theories of Democracy 3” – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

درسگفتارهای نظریه‌های دموکراسی ۳ - محمدرضا نیکفر
M. Nikfar Lectures
From the course of Political Thought

Lectures on “Theories of Democracy 2” – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

درسگفتارهای محمدرضا نیکفر - نظریه‌های دموکراسی ۲
M. Nikfar Lectures
From the course of Political Thought

Lectures on “Theories of Democracy 1” – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

پوستر تئوری دموکراسی به همراه تصویری از محمدرضا نیکفر
M. Nikfar Lectures
From the course of Political Thought

Introduction to the Discourse Analysis of the “Woman, Life, Freedom” Movement – Berkeley Lectures, Mohammad Reza Nikfar

M. Nikfar Lectures
From the lectures of Mohammad Reza Nikfar

The Middle East and the Problem of Not Having the Ideal of Building Peace – Part 1 – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

M. Nikfar Lectures
Lectures of Mohammad Reza Nikfar

The Middle East and the Problem of Not Having the Ideal of Constructive Peace – Part 2 – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

M. Nikfar Lectures
Lectures of Mohammad Reza Nikfar

Lectures of Critical Thinking – Mohammad Reza Nikfar

M. Nikfar Lectures
Mohammad Reza Nikfar

An Introduction to System Theory – Part 4 – Session 7: An Opinion on Iranian Society with a Focus on the Issue of Integration

Mohammad Reza Nikfar

An Introduction to System Theory – Part 1 – Session 7: Criticism of Loman’s Social Systems Theory

Mohammad Reza Nikfar

An Introduction to System Theory – Part 2 – Session 7: Semantics and Social Structure

Mohammad Reza Nikfar

An Introduction to System Theory – Part 3 – Session 7: System Theory and Opinion on Iranian Society

Mohammad Reza Nikfar

An Introduction to System Theory – Session 5: Propositions and Main Concepts of System Theory – 4

Mohammad Reza Nikfar
بازیابی بیشتر

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