Conferences other than ICCI archived in Agora

Movement and its questions
Counted: 22



“Constitutional Crisis, The Third Constitution” – (27th Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

constitutional crisis

“Collaboration to Understand the Situation” – (26th Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

Movement and its questions

“The Crisis of Collective Memory in Iranian Society” – (25th Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

"The Crisis of Collective Memory in Iranian Society" - (25th Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

Omid’s “Remains of Ego” is Dead, Long Live Hope! (24th Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

برنامه بیست و چهارم مائیت منیت امید مرد زنده باد امید

The Problem of Nation Building in Iran (23rd Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

Nation Building
Movement and its questions

The Expanding Scope of Israel-Palestine Conflicts (22nd Episode of the Woman, Life, Freedom Forum in Cologne, Germany)

conflicts Israel Palestine

Rethinking the Impact of the Woman, Life, Freedom Movement


Rethinking Intellectuals Following Iran’s 1979 Revolution

برنامه بیستم فروم زن زندگی آزادی کُلن - در همکاری با ایران آکادمیا - باز‌اندیشی روشنفکران پس از انقلاب
Live forum with online broadcasting

The Government Attempting to Reproduce Itself – Contradictions, Problems, Opportunities

کاور حکومت در تلاش برای بازتولید خود - محمدرضا نیکفر - فروم زن زندگی آزادی کلن آلمان - برنامه نوزدهم
Movement and its questions
In-person conference with online broadcasting

Left, Democracy, and Authoritarianism

فروم زن زندگی آزادی - چپ دموکراسی و اقتدارگرایی - برنامه هفدهم - کلن آلمان

Iran’s Cultural Revolution: Four Decades of Confrontation Between the Theocracy and the University

انقلاب فرهنگی

The Known and Unknowns of Civil Society and its Questions

پوستر برنامه چهاردهم فروم زن زندگی آزادی کلن - جامعه مدنی
Mansoureh Shojaee, Taghi Rahmani
14th Event
بازیابی بیشتر

See also

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