School Rebellers in Iran

Keywords: sexist curriculum, cultural resistance, feminization of the education system, Islamization of schools, Iran

Freedom of Thought Journal, No 14

pages: 77-88

Freedom of Thought Journal Issue 14
Freedom of Thought Journal Issue 14
Counted: 10


The Islamization of schools and higher education in the period following the advent of the Islamic Republic in Iran raised many questions about the education of women and their status within society. Quantitative developments in the decades after 1979 showed that the growth of girls’ education has not been stopped and their proportion in higher education has continued to increase. This significant quantitative increase did not mean the existence of a favorable context for women because the Islamization of education had the direct consequence of promoting a sexist discourse. This article refers to the educational experience and point of view of young girls to better understand this paradoxical situation of girls’ success within a sexist institution. The results of this fieldwork show that despite the apparent success of girls in the Iranian education system, they have developed varied forms of resistance to a sexist curriculum.

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