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Essays by M. Shojaei


The Story of the Qochan Girls: A Gender Historiography

Essays by M. Shojaei
Mansoureh Shojaee

The Youth Population Law: The Transformation of Mother Cult into the Mother Institution

Essays by M. Shojaei
Mansoureh Shojaee

The Seventh Essay: The Discourse of Salvation and The Discourse of Seeking Equality

Mansoureh Shojaee

The Sixth Essay: Genealogy of Feminism Discourse and Politics in Women’s Civil Society

Mansoureh Shojaee

The Fifth Essay: From Confrontation with the Discourse of Seeking Equality with the Discourse of Elections

Mansoureh Shojaee

The Fourth Essay: The Emergence of the State of False Moderation and Citizenship Discourse

Mansoureh Shojaee

The Third Essay: The Green Movement Carrying the Discourse of Anti-Violence with the Influence of the Discourse of Equality

Mansoureh Shojaee

The Second Essay: From June 1953 to June 2009, Green Movement – Supporting Democracy

Mansoureh Shojaee
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