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2019 Conference


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Guide 2019


عکس دکوراتیو نام‌نویسی در کنفرانس
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ICCI 2019
Iran's Leftist Intellectuals
Asal Bagheri
ICCI 2019
Representation of man and woman relations in iranian cinema after the revolution
Hassan Fereshtian
ICCI 2019
The transformation of the Shiite clerical establishment follwing 1979 revolution
Nayereh Tohidi
ICCI 2019
The Iranian women’s movement in the past 40 years
Reza Rokoee
ICCI 2019
Phenomenological aspect of Iranian revolution
Esfaindyar Daneshvar
ICCI 2019
Literature in Exile: The Impact of the Iranian Revolution on Contemporary French-Persian Literature
Ammar Maleki
ICCI 2019
Analyzing political strands and orientations in today’s Iran, 40 Years after the Revolution
Mohammad Reza Nikfar
ICCI 2019
Iranian dual root revolution
Nasim Khaksar
ICCI 2019
Stories and poetry of our being 40 years after the revolution
Jalil Roshandel
ICCI 2019
Continuity and change in Iranian foreign policy
Farhad Khosrokhavar
ICCI 2019
The typology of activists and social movements
Iradj Sobhani
ICCI 2019
The migration of science from university and the crisis of trust in medical science
Mohsen Mottaghi
ICCI 2019
Muslim intellectuals in trial of Iranian revolution

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Speakers and Exhibitors

نیره توحیدی
Saeed Paivandi
Jalil Roshandel
mansoureh shojaee
Mahmoud Masaeli
Farzin Vahdat
Farhad Khosrowkhavar
Iradj Sobhani
Mohsen Mottaghi
M. R. Nikfar
حسن فرشتیان
Ammar Maleki

Partners and Sponsors