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ICCI 2024 Poster
Third International conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies
Call for the International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies 2024 - Goethe University, Frankfurt


Details of ICCI 2024
Conference Schedule
ICCI 2024 Schedule


تصویر دانشگاه گوته - راهنمای سفر به کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴ فرانکفورت
Address, Transport, and Accommodations
ICCI 2024
Travel Guide (ICCI 2024)


عکس دکوراتیو نام‌نویسی در کنفرانس
ICCI Registration
Register to Attend The ICCI Conference
ICCI 2024 Poster
Sponsor the International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies - 2024

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For publishers and artists
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داوطلب در برگزاری کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴ فرانکفورت
Volunteer Registration Form
ICCI 2024
Be a Volunteer: Help Us in Organizing the 2024 Conference in Frankfurt
Poster of FAQ for ICCI 2024
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ICCI 2024
Frequently Asked Questions about the ICCI 2024 Conference
ثبت متن کامل سخنرانی (مقاله کنفرانس) ICCI
Conference Guide
ICCI 2024
Full Speech Text Submission (Conference Paper) – ICCI 2024

Feedback and News

ICCI 2024 Poster
Press Release
Press Release: International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies 2024
ICCI 2024 Poster
Sponsor the International Conference on Contemporary Iranian Studies - 2024


panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024 Inauguration
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Artificial Intelligence, Learning, and Education (Plenary Session)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Iranian Women's Resistance: Embodiment and Digital Activism (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Transnational Feminism and the Experience of Otherness (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
A Liberation Theory (Plenary Session)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Queer Iranian Identities in Migration: Narratives and Power Dynamics (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Zoroastrianism in Iranian History: Perceptions, Politics, and Religious Influence (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Cultural and Historical Perspectives on Iranian Music (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Evolving Traditions and Roles in the Yāresān Community (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Resistance from the Periphery: Memory, Theology and Political Struggles in Kurdistan (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Authoritarianism Before and After the Constitutional Revolution (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Cultural Revival: a Historical Review and Future Biases (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Identity Politics and Nationalism in Modern Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Persian Standalone Presentations 4
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Reimagining Societal Norms: Political and Cultural Perspectives from Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
The Significance of a New Social Contract for a Democratic Transition (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Healthcare Policies and Medical Education in Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Environmental Crisis and Political Systems: Totalitarianism vs. Democracy (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
From Linguistic Diversity to Cognitive Impairments (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Concepts and Language: Social and Political Dynamics in Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Islam, Gender, and Human Rights in Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Imprisonment and Human Rights in Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Persian Standalone Presentations 1
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Persian Standalone Presentations 2
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Iranian Diaspora: Social Experiences and Political Dynamics (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Fallen in the Whirlwind. The Odyssey and Destiny of Iranian Victims of Stalinist Great Repression in the Soviet Union
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Health Governance and Medical Practices in Post-Revolutionary Iran (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Spatial and Mobility Justice in Urban Planning (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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A Contemporary Analysis of Fatwas in Europe in Relation to Socio-religious Practice and National Policies (Panel)
panel ICCI 2024 پنل کنفرانس ۲۰۲۴
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ICCI 2024
Keynote Speech by Karima Bennoune (Plenary Session)

Partners and Sponsors

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