Reyhaneh Gholami

Researcher in Social Studies

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Iran Academia Journal (IAJ)
Iran Academia Journal - Issue 10
تصویر مقاله مارکس، مجازات اعدام و ...
Iran Academia Journal, No. 10- Reyhaneh Gholami
IAJ Issue No.10
Marx, Capital Punishment, and Social Ontology
Reyhaneh Gholami
Essays of Reyhaneh Gholami
A Comparison Between Cesare Beccaria's Criticism and Hegel's Criticism of the Death Penalty
Arash Abizadeh, Translated by Reyhaneh Gholami
On Agora
Hobbes and the Two Faces of Ethics
Reyhaneh Gholami
Essays of Reyhaneh Gholami
Congregationalism of Islamic Fundamentalism according to Ferdinand Tönnies and Helmuth Plessner
Translated by Reyhaneh Gholami
On Agora
Source and Nature of Authority
Reyhaneh Gholami
On Agora
Husserl Marxism
Reyhaneh Gholami
Essays of Reyhaneh Gholami
Rousseau: Freedom as a Prerequisite for Equality
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Reyhaneh Gholami
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